Corrupt and deceived

Stevie angry with rage that the Diamonds entered the rebellion, he went back to his house and packed a bag, he then told everyone else to back a bag. Once he settled down he told them about Blue and that the Diamonds had entered this war that's what he called it.

BP sighs "So they finally join, took them long enough."

Stevie's hands shaking "Yeah we need to leave soon to get to Rose."

So Stevie's group of friends all got up and got ready to leave not knowing most of them would not be back.

They caught out with Rose and everyone, while they where gone they followed what he had laid out for battle strategy, they had quite a few battles while they where gone. Rose had informed them that they where going across the sea to a location on the map she had.

Stevie smiling

"What, why are you smiling?" Rose asked

"I know where we are going."

"How do you know where we are go-"She stopped "Ohh yeah I forget that you lived here before."

"Yeah it's a place we called Norway."

"Really hmm sounds funny but you know more than we do when it comes to geography."

"It will take a while to get there without something fast."

"We got that."

Once they go to Norway this battlefield which will be called the "Strawberry Battlefield" it will be one of the worst battles that occurred during the rebellion, many Gems where lost to this battle.

Many battles are fought during the next few months but then it just goes silent for a little bit.

Stevie and his friends, Rose,Garnet and pearl are relaxing on the beach, they laugh and having fun thinking it is over that the Diamonds have left.

Garnet throwing her hands up "So are scouts have said they can't find any homework gem."

Stevie worried "That's weird we need to stay alert."

"Don't worry Stevie we got them on the run, we are fine for now." Rose reassures him

BP, Ephraim and Jamie start to go on a walk a crossed the beach, Stevie stops them "Where you guys going?"

"They are fine Stevie Stop worry." Pearl tells him

'Stevie you are a bit tense, relax man.'

'I am sorry, something just don't feel right.'

'Relax man'

The others looking at him funny, Stevie looks at them. "I was talking to Black he told me to relax"

"Maybe you should dude." Rose said smiling

'Yeah I guess I should relax the others are off walking maybe I should.'


A bright light accents in the sky a bright, white light

"Is this are really what we are resorting to?" Blue asks

"Yes, and hopefully it will kill any leftover gem." White yells

"Even Stevie?" Blue yells

"Especially him, we created something too powerful and lets hope this ends him or else we are screwed." Yellows tells Blue

"Now lets do this." White tells them

Rose yells for them to get behind her shield, once Stevie got behind a bright light released as if someone through the sun at them. Once the bright light had gone away Stevie yelled for his friends.

Stevie ran around the beach looking for his friends yelling there names "BP" "Ephraim" "Jamie" no one called back.

Then Stevie saw them three horned huge scary looking monster.

Rose,Pearl and Garnet caught up will him the yelled once they saw them.

"What is it?" Pearl asked look at the monsters

Stevie crying "It them."

"Who" Rose asked

"Its BP,Ephraim and Jamie" Garnet said will a tear falling from one eye

"How?" Rose said

"Its like they where corrupt by the bright light." Said Pearl

The corrupted friends go angry and one ran at Stevie, Garnet jumped in front and hit it and it went flying back.

"Stevie we have to do something." Said Rose

"Is there away to heal them you have healing tear." Stevie said

"Yes but without the other three we can't." She informed him

"We have to depose of them they are a harmful." Said Pearl

Stevie crying harder "Do it please."

Three found out that they could pop them back into there gems and bubble them so the can keep them, in the few next month the found out that any gem that was not in the shield where corrupted.

"How you doing Stevie." Rose asked

"I am doing fine."

"What have you been doing lately?"

"I built this like panic room."

"Oh yeah how doing it work?"

"Well it just a room but If like the Diamonds ever hit us again with that light I can get in there and ill be safe but there is no way to get out unless from the outside." " So if a beam ever does hit ill be in here" He laughs "So come get me out."

She smiles "Ok but how have you been feeling?"

"I am angry I want to go to homewor-" He is interrupted

"Why go back they think we are die, so why go back and mess it up?"

"They did something to my friends I want them to pay."

"Stevie you don't even have a ship."

Stevie smiles "That's what I was about to tell you, I built a ship."

"You serious."

"Yes I am."

"Well I can't stop you so go for it."

They get up from the couch and walk to the door.

"But can you show me the panic room thing."

"Really ok I am proud of this room."

They walk down under the stairs to a basement area with a big alien box in the middle, Stevie walks inside.

"Yeah I am very proud of this, I think I built it too well don't you think so." He turns around to see the door shut.

"What are you doing Rose you can only open it from the outside."

"I can't have you going to homework it will ruin what I have done, to be died to them and free, I can't have some emotional half-gem ruin it because his friends got corrupted."

"NO, ROSE you can't do this."

"I can."

"What will you tell Garnet and Pearl."

"Ill tell them that you built a ship and went and travel the galaxy because the corruption of your friends you couldn't be here anymore."


"I completely understand my sisters now you are to powerful and especially a mess with those human emotions.

"Don't Please." Falling to his knees crying "Don't"

"Maybe sometime down the road someone will find you and release you but that wont be me."