The return of the beginning

It's been 3 years since the death games have stopped, Lu An after some modification to the egg making it operates and assessable via the Hope which acted as the parent umbrella covering everything that is created under the egg including anything which is created using the egg as a model, after releasing the egg on the server for people to download for free and release their games giving complete freedom to the users. Asuna completed her studies and got engaged to Lu An while waiting to get married after she completes her college, meanwhile Little treasure got married to his long-time girlfriend Kim who Lu An believed was from the novel What's wrong with secretary Kim? but due to his influence, the company she was supposed to work in and meet her childhood hero doesn't exist or have been destroyed. Lu An acted as the best man at the wedding leading an Image of him to be published and the world coming to know about the reclusive Emporer of the world.

Lu An also decided that Japan was too small for him so he expended his company to other nations throughout the world while overtaking underground and creating bases in Europe, China, and America. Expending his fang through everything occupying 68% of the market in one way or another. He created a clan-based system making so that the generations to come will act as the branch family while protecting and serving the main branch.

Soon after 8 years, Lu An found that Asuna to be a patient of Huntington's disease. Knowing about the disease Asuna decided not to give birth respecting her decision Lu An also didn't push for anything. Thus, Lu An decided to divide his empire in part giving half to both his family while giving another to people who have served him throughout the years and retire somewhere peaceful with Asuna.

Asuna and Lu An lived peacefully for the entire 19 years together after which disease started showing it's symptoms. Asuna begged him to leave her alone and go on to the next world. During these 19 years, Lu An told her about everything and also told her she can live on in him by uploading her consciousness, Asuna just smiled and told him He needs to learn to let it go and something are just meant to be remembered in memories only.

December 24, 2057, marked the death of Asuna. Asuna's dead peacefully holding the hand of Lu An while smiling at him. Lu An after her death stayed at the same place for 3 years then returned to China to meet his parents one last time before leaving the world.

Lu An arrived in China on 2nd February 2061, No one came to pick him up or to greet him. Instructing Hope to arrange for a taxi, Lu An arrived at his birth home, the Lu mansion located on a secluded hill.

Lu An got out of the taxi and started slowly walking toward the Home while remembering his childhood and the rest of his life. The moment he went near the mansion he heard Little treasure laughing along with his wife. He first tried to move on but heard them talking.

Kim Mo: What do you think happened to your brother it's been a while since we heard from him?

Little treasure: Who cares? He is just a ghost from the past.

Kim Mo: Have you formed a plan for your parents to give you a complete part of his company?

Little treasure: Don't worry about it. He loved me the most and left the most for me so no need to worry about such small things. Since childhood, he overshadowed me doing everything Humanly possible. The least he can do is leave me his company now that he has run off with a dumb Whore who has brought his what? Nothing but destruction.

Lu An eyes moved a little hearing his brother, he shocks his head and realized he too seems to have forgotten the concept of Greed and what it can make out of a person.

He then after thinking a while instructed Hope to take over everything again after he gets permission from his parents.

Shaking his head he went into the house and found his mother and father sitting on the sofa looking at an old childhood photo of him and his siblings. His father holding his mother while she turned each page while commenting on everything.

Lu An went up to them and hugged his parents.

Both his parents got startled but when they saw it was their third soon got stunted.

Ning Xi: What happened? Is everything okay?

Lu An: Nothing I just missed you both.

Overcoming from the shock his father asked: Why are you sad?

Lu An: This is the last time I might be seeing you both for a while

Ning Xi: Are you going somewhere?

Lu An: Yes

Lu An got on his knees and bowed to both his parents for giving birth to him.

Ning Xi: You know We both love you very much right?

Lu An: Yes. I love you both very much too. I have decided to donate all my properties to orphans I hope you both approve of my actions.

Ning Xi: It's your money, do whatever you want we will always be proud of you.

Lu TingXiao: Yes. Take care of yourself.

Lu An nodded hugged his parents again instructed Hope to distribute all his assets to the orphans around the globe in Asuna's name. then went to his room in the old mansion and pulled out the ticket which was always in his pocket anytime he wishes to see it. grabbing the ticket.

Lu An: I wish to travel to the next world which is Naruto and wants to be reborn as Naruto when He is 3 years old.