The world of death

Lu An felt a pull space in front of him broke and he arrived in front of a counter. Greeted by a young man: Welcome to Hotel del Luna. Due to your special circumstances. I have already informed the manager to come.

Lu An got stunt hearing the name of the Hotel as he remembered it being a TV Korean drama of some kind. Soon he is greeted by young women who told him to follow her. Lu An nodded and went after her soon they arrived in front of the room -21 room. Young women told him to go in and place the body on the bed so that his soul can move onto the next world. Lu An placed his body on the bed and then felt a pull sucking him whole into space leaving Behind an empty body on the bed.

Lu An soon found himself sleeping on the floor. near a garbage can. He found his height to be too short in height and poor muscle density. Going near a pool of water he saw himself. A yellow-haired kid with very bright blue eyes. After staring for a while, he started asserting his memories. Lu An who has brought along Hope with him as his soul bound item started analyzing his memories and condition of the body. After listing all his memories he understood he has been thrown out of the orphanage when he turned 3 and now is living on the street. He started laughing out loud after thinking that he donated billions to orphans in his previous life and now has turned into an orphan who has been throw out of the orphanage. Following this, his mood is uplifted.

Lu An/Naruto instructs Hope is access the line connecting him and the Nine tail. Hope analysis the fūinjutsu provides that it needs more information regarding the subject to fully control the seal and that for now all it can do is show Naruto in front of the nine tail trapped inside the seal.

Naruto: Link it

Naruto soon found himself standing in the pool of water in front of a huge gate

Naruto: I'm sorry about the death of your previous host. I'm named kai let's get along. I have some plans where I will need you to corporate. For now, I want to ask if you know how to do transformation Jutsu.

Kyuubi moved a little opened its eyes and saw a very little boy standing in front of him speaking in a language he didn't know: Boy I can't understand you.

Naruto nodded and started speaking Japanese instead of English which he usually spoke.

Kyuubi got startled hearing that naruto has died and got up on all four of his feet.

Naruto: I can understand you are upset by his death but let's give it meaning. Do you have some kind of summoning contract?

Kyuubi observed boy in front of him then nodded and pulled one of its teeth out and gave it to naruto: Boy this is one of the contacts of the fox. I once broke into Mount Myoboku and saw those damn frogs practicing Senjutsu so I copied them stole their special liquid and created a special branch of foxes who would practice Senjutsu.

Naruto nodded: From what I know you can estimate people by their feeling and emotions can you help me find something?

Kyuubi: What are you looking for?

Naruto: Do you know a person named Orochimaru? the one who smells like a snake?

Kyuubi: Yes I remember that bastard. He once took some of my chakras too.

Naruto: Can you find his hideouts?

Kyuubi: Okay go left and then straight into the forest for about 2 Km you will arrive there. You can also sign the contract and then have one of those foxes carry you there.

Naruto: Thanks, let's first sign the contract.

Naruto signed the contract of the fox and summoned a small fox of about 3 meters in height.

Fox looked at Naruto: Are you the one who has summoned me?

Naruto: Yes, Kyuubi sama told me you can help me solve my problem

Fox: I see, so Kyuubi sama and instructed, Okay my name is Yuto what do you need?

Naruto: there is this location we have to go there without anyone seeing us.

Yuto: Get on my back and tell me where to take you.

Naruto after getting on his back: Go to the places which smell like old snakes.

Yuto: Hold tight.

Soon naruto and Yuto arrived at one of the water tanks.

Naruto looked at Yuto and asked: Are you sure this is the spot?

Yuto: Yes, the Upper half is empty and is filled with old snake skins.

Naruto nodded and started looking for some kind of door with the help of Hope. Soon found a little doorway inside it was a small room filled with all different sorts of documents. Naruto memorized everything with the help of Hope giving him perfect recall ability. After memorizing everything naruto put everything back and went over to the other locations. He finally hit jackpot when he found three very small tubes of blood marked 1st Hokage 2nd Hokage and Mito Uzumaki. Naruto hurridly put them away.

Naruto also asked Yuto about the fox clan and their Senjutsu.

Yuto: See I don't know how to use Senjutsu only 3 elders are known to be perfect Senjutsu, You can come and try your luck maybe you might learn something.

Naruto nodded and told Yuto to reverse summon him, from his memory he remembered Kakashi finding naruto on the street when he was 4 and then taking him to the Hokage who then gave him a separate home and some monthly pocket money.

Naruto arrived in the land of the fox which looked like a Huge mountain with many caves in it.

Yuto brought along Naruto to meet the elders who upon learning about him being Kyuubi's Host agree to let him study Senjutsu.

With the help of the foxes, naruto learned basic of the Senjutsu and was able to gather natural chakra while remaining in a single place.

Soon 7 months went by Hokage too have noticed that naruto is missing and issued mission to all ninjas to be on the lookout.

Naruto after learning the basics went back to Konoha while hiding the three tubes of blood with the foxes.

Naruto wearing the same clothes since he has been thrown out of orphanage walked into the Hokage tower. People soon noticed a bad smell coming toward them and saw a child walking toward them.

Naruto walked up to the reception and asked to inform Hokage he wants to meet him

The receptionist just ignored him while continuing to work on her nails so naruto too ignored her and went inside the Hokage tower and knocked on the Hokage office door.

Hokage: Come in

Naruto opened the door and went inside with an indifferent face.

Hiruzen got startled seeing naruto appear out of nowhere but before he could speak Naruto spoke.

Naruto: I came to offer my greeting, I hear you might be having a grandson or daughter soon, I just hope unlike 4th Hokage child 3rd Hokage grandchild doesn't have to go around picking food from the garbage around the town to fill his hunger.

Naruto smiled a bit then bowed and turned around to leave.

Hiruzen: What do you mean naruto? Where have you been? I have been looking everywhere for you.

Naruto turned back and spoke in a very cold voice: I mean I hope your grandchild doesn't end up like me after your death, being the son of a Hokage but neither has a house to call home nor any means to fulfill his stomach. I was always here. I ask you where were you? When on my birthday people gathered together to kill me? When I was thrown out of the orphanage? You talk about the will of fire, is this your will of fire to throw the son of a hero who saved your village on the street?

Hiruzen: Naruto I don't know what you are talking about?

Naruto smiled: Goodbye Old man I will return one day and make sure your grandchildren understand what I'm feeling.

And with a poof naruto disappeared, He resummoned into the land of the fox. His motive to go to the village was to do two things first collect material like wire and stuff which he found easily in the garbage secondly to collect all the inheritance left in the Namikaze house with the help of Kyuubi he arrived at his parent house easily due to the blood seals which his parents have used around the house others couldn't enter the compound.

Naruto being their son easily entered and started collecting all the things due to the presence of Hope in his soul naruto only has to go through anything once and everything is already uploaded in his brain. He also found notes of his mother and father on various Fūinjutsu and absorbed everything. He also found the ninja Jutsu scroll of his father with various techniques including Multi shadow clone Jutsu among others. Naruto learned everything within minutes with the help of Hope. After collecting everything he went around the house looking for money. He found some storage scroll collected them. After completing everything He went to the Hokage tower.