The legacy of Deathfall

After reaching Rome, leaving behind his grandfather who went on to his friends, went to Gringotts, arriving there is asked for the chief, Who a few moments later arrived, asking to continue the meeting in private.

Chief Lardy nodded and asked Liam to follow him. Arriving in his office. Liam gave him a letter from Rangok to him.

Chief read the letter and nodded and cut off one of his fingers dropping some blood used the unbreakable promise of not telling a soul about him or anything related to him or he won't be able to see or touch any gold or silver in him,

Liam nodding gave the restricted section information along with Auditore and Kenway vault and conducted the blood inheritance test again to prove his lineage.

After the test Chief and Liam went first to Kenway vault to which Liam was just an Heir, Chief informed him that the last remaining Kenway is an old man who no one has seen in 40 years or so and as per laws Liam has to wait at least 60 years from the time of disappearance before claiming for complete Inheritance. Liam, in particular, was not interested in money left thus didn't needed the complete inheritance. In the Kenway vault, Liam found books and journals of an adventure and treasure seeker Edward Kenway who discussed his underwater adventures, the underwater life, and various ancient spells that can be used underwater. Liam collected them all as he didn't have much information regarding underwater except for what he had read about in the underwater Herbology and some animals which Hagrid showed him.

Secondly, they went to the vault of Auditore, the vault was very ancient and required one to fight with a magically powered rock fighters army with weapons not magic to prove they are worthy. Auditore was a very ancient clan it was said they were present since before even the 450 AD, completing the test Liam went in the vault alone. The vault was filled with various kinds of ancient weapons both magical and of muggle world, there were piles and piles of books regarding weapon creation which included the making of dark objects too. Collecting them all Liam went his way back to Chief.

Chief informed him that Auditore also has left behind 2 eggs which Liam decided to collected after going through all the vaults.

Restricted Vault number 15 was one he acquired, the gate of the vault was very unique as it didn't have any keyholes or anything just a plain surface. With the help of Chief Liam cut all his figures and pressed it against the door. The door in response not only absorbed the blood of Liam but also started absorbing his magic. Liam didn't try to fight it and calmly stood there after a certain amount was absorbed the gate opened, the vault was more like a cave rather than a storage room like the others. Liam went alone into the vault with a 2 big ball of light dancing around him. As Liam walked into the cave in eventually came across a board stating "Living shall not venture, death is not the end".

Liam being immoral due to phoenix ignored the sign activities his Byakugan to avoid any surprises, Liam comes upon array upon array laid throughout the cave which acted as a hidden weapon killing anyone, Liam ignoring everything went a bit deeper and came upon a big Gate with Ancient writing written on top of it.

"Here lies the legacy of Deathfall"

Pushing the Door open Liam saw one book lying in the middle of a smoke-filled room, using Byakugan Liam tried to see through the pathway but failed at it showed magic tides throughout the room. Liam taking out his wand with Hope on complete alert walked toward the book, midway he saw something incredible, from the fog like a devil raised Dementor but in the form of Patronus Charm. It was an unbelievable thing to see as Dementors are mostly repelled using Patronus Charm, he had neither ever heard about such a thing or seen it. The craziest thing was that there were at least 20 of these Patronus Charm in the room each with different engraving on them. Liam recovering from the shock started walking toward the book again soon after reaching the book, the Patronus Charmed Dementors surrounded him not doing anything but watching him. Liam tried to open the book but couldn't move it, thus cutting him hand and spilled some blood over it. The book was completely Black giving just a cold ghostly feeling. the book observed the blook started turning into dark red and opened on its own.

The page which it opened to was completely written in symbolic language, with the help of home Liam had already read through and analyzed many ancient languages thus using a different structure started translating the language.

The book told the story of a man who was abandoned by his family, left out by the society and almost killed by his most trusted but still refused to give up, the man went on to do everything he can to fight the death which came to take him to the afterlife using dark magic and channeling powers from another humans life, he fought death who came to take him while also fighting life which had lead him go to death, thus creating an imbalance leading a disturbance in the world. Angered by the act of death gave the person an appearance similar to his which the man hated, while life cured the man with not remembering anything good for long no matter what he does thus turned him into the first Dementor in the world. Feeling empty and sad the man feeling lost started fueling energy from other humans feeding on their emotions memories to erase the pain in his heart but no matter how much he feeds he was always empty sad and lonely.

In his mission to feed himself, the man went on to destroy the lives of hundreds of people, feeling the need to stop the monster a young witch of that time researched most of her life and created the Patronus Charm in a very weak but able to repel Dementor version, soon more people took part and modified the spell which later becomes one of the most powerful charms known to mankind. Impressed by the contribution and use of magic in creating something which can save innocent lives of many, Death gave the gift of having Dementor as her Patronus Charm corporeal which had the power of consuming happiness from real Dementor, while life gave her the way to change into Dementor as her Animagus which while not giving her Amortality or the need to feed on happiness gave her the ability of Dementors to fly, looking the memories of others and a powerful defense. Using the conversion as the bases the witch in her old age established the lineage of Deathfall, each generation one member of the family possessed, the power given by life and death.

The book page ended on the note with the list of each family head name. Liam's name was also freshly written in there in the form of blood he had dropped earlier. Turning the page, the book talked about how to perform Dementor corporeal charm and how to turn into Animagus. Copying everything Liam bowed to the corporeal's present who also went back into the ground. Liam walked out of the cave, the door closed on his outside found chief waiting for him.

Liam told the chief that his work done with the vault is done and bring him to the eggs.

Chief leaving Liam waiting in his office, came back after some time bringing 2 boxes. Liam simply put both the eggs into his bag and thanked Chief, and asked for information about the properties he owned. Chief brought out various papers, Liam heritage gave him 5 houses 2 castles and various portions of land. Noting down everything about their locations and whereabouts Liam went back to meet him, grandpa, informing him about the completion of his work.