Chaotic 3rd Year

Returning to his palace, Liam opened both his egg boxes taking out 2 eggs, he didn't know what these eggs are off. One was completely black while other was covered in black and other different shade of dark black color.

Using hope, Liam analyzed that one of the eggs was of a Basilisk while another was of Hydra a mythical creature. Using the black mass of the hope Liam incorporated both the egg and their genus.

With the hybrid DNA formed due to Dragon, basilisk, and Hydra his skin changed as to repel or deflect most of the spells cast on him while changing his eyes while giving control overpower such as instant death glare and Petrification by indirectly looking into it of basilisk and Aura eyes making people and animal fell fear just by looking at them of dragon and hydra. Hydra being an animal of nature also made him turn compatible with natural elements making it easier for him to draw spells made of nature.

After completing everything with the DNA compression and 2 days before starting his 3rd year. Liam decided to visit Rangok for finalizing all the property works.

Liam entered asked his grandfather who sent one of his men with Liam to the bank. arriving at the Liam alone went in and meet with Rank.

Liam owned 87 Houses 17 castles and 240 properties which were located around the world while owning more than 80 or so around England. He also found various money borrowing slips of loans taken by other houses.

Liam firstly listed down all the properties and their location so that he can go visit them later. He asked for the Goblin community to help in recovering the money which has been given as a loan but not paid with the promise of giving 15% of the total amount to the goblins. Rangok immediately agreed as for him it was just regular goblin work.

Liam also asked Rangok to bring black family inheritance to him after giving him some gallons as a bribe. Rangok informed him that Sirius Black is the last heir after which whoever holds the closest qualification will be declared as the heir which being Draco Malfoy. Liam was quite interested in the inheritance of black due it being known as one of the largest wealthiest houses since ancient times in Britain thus started formulating the plan for it.

Liam left out two families which had to pay money one being Malfoy and another being Weasley.

The entire wizarding world of Europe went into disarray, Rangok with the help of the other two chiefs with the permission of the Goblin king lead a fierce attack on all the Houses to pay the sum.

With Rangok doing his work, Liam went back home stayed with his grandparents for 2 days before leaving for school.

This year's ride was anything but peaceful. Many first and 2nd year students come to take his autograph, some came to ask for tips while others come to compliment him. Liam being Liam just responded in words to everyone.

The first month like every year people acted like a quite alone book-loving person making people want to just leave him alone, He maintained a good relationship with everyone in the school regardless of houses or teachers. He was also given the position of team captain by Filius Flitwick who was his head of the house. Liam additional started working for Madam Poppy Pomfrey with the recommendations of Filium Flitwick.

Gryffindor House's head Minerva due to her fondness for Liam also gave him a time turner to attend more classes.

It took about two months for everything to normal, two instead fresher always seeking him out to solve any problem, Liam quietly and calmly helped everyone in everything. With time the excitement died down within the freshers too thus finally leaving him alone.

Liam's goal in 3rd year was to complete his Animagus form and charm, using the rooms of requirement. Liam first started with the books left behind Esther Mikaelson on Animagus first, understanding the traditional tribal approach, then went on to read journals he had regarding Animagus before finally starting with the copy of the method from Deathfall legacy. He concluded that while a person can have only one Animagus, he/she can have different Patronus charm Corporeal depending on the magic availability, nature of the person, emotional state of the caster. Liam with the use of his ability was able to caste 2 kinds of Patronus charms, a Dementor and a fox with 9 tails similar to that of Kurama from Naruto world.

Completing this task left Liam with nothing to do except Kenway's underwater books and Auditore's weaponry forging. Liam decided to take it easy and started getting more involved in the school. He knew that Dumbledore will start watching everything every closely next year when Harry potter enters the school. Liam started changing the Ravenclaw ruling system, Bullying with the house and its members were strictly prohibited, Liam used his Aura to suppressed everyone who wanted oppose him using his eye, many students ever went far as naming him "Prince of Raven" and "Dark raven" due to his pitch-black hair.

Liam led a very peaceful life rest of the year with him being the captain, Ravenclaw won the Quidditch cup easily and with the rule, he had enforced within the house, Ravenclaw won the House Cup at the end of the year easily.

Liam upon completing his 3 rd year went back home and asked his grandfather about various things regarding his Albert legacy and the crown.

Aiden explained to Liam that, Albert's role in the world is to act as a balancer between wizards and muggles. Albert's in the wizarding world isn't allowed to have any political power and can't come between conflicts or problems which may arise in their world as long as it doesn't affect the muggle's, while they are allowed to take part in the learning and reside in the magic world they are more like a branch of the muggle world thus not under the preview of Ministry of magic. Similarly, in the royal family Albert branch won't gain crown under any condition as it would merge both worlds thus while Albert's can stay in the royal family and with the title they were more of a magical branch then royal making them an outcast from both side. This was a special branch created in the royal family after the debacle of Obscurus in New York.

Aiden also explained that his parents truly didn't die in a car accident but due to some magic being which he will completely disclose when Liam completes Hogwarts.

Liam also asked if he could live alone for a while explaining that he would like to venture the world on his own for a while.

Aiden simply said that they will talk about all this after he completes his education.

Liam throughout the break practiced how to Apparition. With his understanding of the space-time law from Naruto world with the data collected from traveling with his grandfather, It only took Liam 3 weeks to change his scope from Apparition of the short distance to a long one. Making it possible for Liam to travel from one place within England to other, with having more than 2 months to go before the 4th year, Liam started trying new things trying to Apparition in his Animagus form, in the larger distance such as to other continents and lastly to Apparition with the wards around.

For the first task, Liam found that in his animagus form he couldn't completely Apparition but could fly at the speed of At least three hundred and fifty miles per hour.

For the second, due to the presence of wards around the whole continents he had to seek a way around the continent first. thus he focused on the third task. Using Hope and doing multiple experiments he found that to avoid each ward one needs to use the exact sequence in which magic was used to put it to avoid the ward. Liam with the help of hope and Byakugan easily achieved it, thus coming back to the second condition needed which was hard enough physical body to survive the toll which Liam already had and lastly to remove his magic signature mark which would occur if he were to make such a large distance jump.

Liam with the help of Hope started purification of his magic core making it more in-depth to create and chanal more of magic from personal dimensions. Achieving all three conditions Liam was ready for Apparition.