Ch 1: Loss

Looking forward to the last day of junior high, Tim races through the busy streets of the largest sky city, Olympus, on his jet black hover-bike. Unfortunately before making the final turn to the junior high school, the start of the adventure that will change his life begins along with the worst news he has ever heard. Blinking red in the top left of his vision, Tim's emergency interface activates giving him the hospital name as well as the name Frank Astral, who is Tim's grandpa and only living relative, the one who has taken care of him all his life. Knowing the situation to be dire Tim rushes to the best hospital in the sky, privately run by Energy Corp. Turning around Tim presses the electric throttle and speeds up all the way to 250mph. After dangerously maneuvering through a few cars the police take notice and flare their sirens. Knowing he has little time Tim makes a bold decision to not stop, yet continue on through traffic. The police seeing this however speed up, chasing Tim through vehicles street after street. Seeing them on his tail Tim's turns become riskier and riskier causing the first of the four cruisers to crash into a bakery, and another into a waterway before finally arriving at the hospital. After being chased through the city Tim's tan developing body is beaded with sweat, not caring Tim races through the hall running into a tall kid around his age, who was wearing a suit as if coming straight from a funeral. Hurriedly apologizing without turning back Tim fails to notice the anger building within the blonde teen. Arriving at the counter Tim desperately inquires in one breath

"Excuse me miss I need to know Frank Astral's room number I am his grandson I just got the" giving him a chance to breathe the nurse interrupts,

"Room 3007 dear be sure to calm down please"

Without so much as a thank you due to his rush, Tim speeds through the halls. Finally entering the room Tim falls to the hard floor in shock the 6-4 235 pound man full of muscle, and an indomitable spirit is lying defeated with a stab wound in his chest, barely holding on to life. Knowing there's little time left Tim picks himself off the floor, walking to the side of Frank. Before he can get out a word Frank takes off his IV and oxygen mask

"You're not safe anymore Tim, know I never wanted you to be involved, but (breaking into a coughing fit he continues) sorry, I no longer have a choice, go to our house and look beneath the bed, pull on the light and take everything inside (coughing up blood with his voice weakening) remember I love you and. Trust. No. One…"

Breaking out in tears Tim howls, "GRANDPAAA".

Not moving or even acknowledging the nurses running into the room or the police, Tim is forced out of the room and cuffed. Carrying Tim as he fainted after his cry, the police make their way to the cruiser taking him all the way to the station. Waking up to the sound of dropping water in the dim cell Tim fails to recall any of what has happened to him in the last 24 hours, however after a few minutes the tears finally are let out and uncontrollable sobbing can be heard coming from his cell. Hearing the boy awake and his sorrow the guard captain checks on him and listens to his story. Tim tells the guard captain how his grandfather died leaving out the final conversation. Upon hearing the story the guard captain who is known for his stoic personality shed the first tear of his life and told the boy "son I have no place in telling you this, but I doubt anyone else will" sighing he continues "there is a point in every man's life that he has to make a choice; to either let life live itself or take control and be a greater man than you ever thought you could be now I'm going to let you go home think about what I said". Letting him out and off with only a warning while confiscating Tim's hover bike and giving him money for the bus ride home the officer sighs once again realizing he had said the exact words his father said to him.