Ch 2: The Package And An Old Man

Thinking on what the captain said to him Tim hardly notices his surroundings, or the two groups of people following him. Getting off at the final stop Tim trips and falls onto a skinny old man, with a handlebar mustache and a antique cane, wearing a dark trench coat. Before getting the chance to apologize the man quickly whispered "You're being followed I worked with your grandfather the package explains it all" then in a louder voice "sorry young man I didn't see you there don't let this old man take up anymore of your time".

Confused but remembering his grandfather's last words Tim turns into an ally and breaks into a sprint. Hiding on the other side of the wall Tim overhears two men discussing something realizing that what the old man said was at least partly true, Tim backs away slowly, accidentally kicking a can in the process. Knowing the men were most likely alerted Tim bolts towards his house. Upon hearing the noise the men chase after Tim, fortunately he knows the streets like the back of his hand and was able to escape and get home safely. Upon his arrival Tim is shocked to see the cozy little hub he has called home for the last 14 years in complete disarray. Making his way through the house, Tim blindly walks through room after room trying to understand how, or why this is happening to him. Finally coming to the conclusion that it has to do with his grandfather's old job and that mysterious old man who warned him, Tim rushes to his grandfathers room. Bulldozing through the door, only to see the bed moved and nothing under it, leaving nothing left. Not sure how to respond or even what he should do now that his last hope has been taken away Tim walks to his room and starts packing everything. While packing his belongings a coin from the old world, the final present Tim ever received from his grandfather at his 14th birthday two weeks ago, falls and rolls under his bed dropping everything, knowing that this is his last reminder Tim falls to the floor to search beneath the bed. While grabbing for the coin Tim comes across a handle. Remembering how his grandfather didn't mention whose bed to look under, Tim scolds himself repeatedly before standing up and moving the bed. Under the bed Tim finds a hatch that shouldn't be there, as he has lived in that room all his life and not once did he notice it. Realizing that the past is of no consequence, Tim decides to live in the moment and opens up the worn and rusted hatch. Feeling something prick his finger, Tim hurriedly pulls back in shock.

"Authorization granted: vocal recognition required"

still in shock Tim is speechless barely responding with


"Vocal recognition acquired welcome Timothy Astral"

As this was heard the rusty old hatch opened on its own, giving Tim a view of the package that everyone seems to be after.

"It's smaller than I thought" Tim mutters after grabbing the two and a half inch bag that easily fit in his pocket as well as some notes and letters. On top of this pile was a letter addressed to Timothy D. Astral. Opening the letter it read "My dearest Timothy if you're reading this I am most likely gone and not able to explain what is going on. The truth is when I was young me, along with two others were the primary explorers for energy Corp. Now I know what you are thinking 'what's so bad about that' the truth is nothing that was until we found something and..." before finishing the letter Tim hears the door open. Figuring the person who killed Frank, was most likely coming to kill him as well, Tim grabs the papers and stuffs them in his backpack. Zipping the backpack up, Tim jumps out the window, landing on the mattress he has used for years to sneak out, and rushes through the ally to his favorite hangout, and the edge of sky city; the harbor. Finally escaping the ally Tim inconspicuously walked over to the over under train station. Using the leftover money from the guard, Tim books a ticket on the 9:00 P.M. train to Olympus' harbor. Getting on the train Tim takes a moment to calm down, and reflect over the day. Closing his eyes Tim falls into slumber for the four hour trip to the harbor.