Every Night


Su Yanyun raised her brows, not understanding why her husband was suddenly looking at her so quietly.

The bedroom was very quiet. The thick curtains isolated them from the night outside, and only the light from the yellow lamp illuminated the gentle orange color of the room.

Rong Linyi's voice was low and dreamy. "In the past month, every time night fell, I would think how good it would be if you were here…"

Su Yanyun covered Rong Linyi's hand with her own and squeezed his.

"I'm here now." Her voice was so gentle.

"You have to be here every night from now on." Rong Linyi lowered his head and kissed her finger gently.

It was rare for him to show such a gentle and weak side to her.

At that moment, Su Yanyun suddenly had a feeling that his usual harshness, toughness, and coldness… were just methods he had to use to protect his heart.