Can't Lose You Again

"It's nothing." Jiang Chenglong got up unhappily. "Yilin, it's your freedom to like Rong Linyi, but I'm warning you. If you hurt Sister Xuelong again…"

"What is so good about Rong Xuelong that you don't regret being so infatuated with her!" Jiang Yilin suddenly yelled at Jiang Chenglong. "Open your eyes and look. You're good to her, but does she appreciate it at all? Okay, I'm going out to meet him. If there's nothing else, good night."

Jiang Yilin came to the garage. Jiang Chengxi was leaning against a red Porsche with his car keys.

"I've drank, so I won't send you over. Be careful on the way." He lowered his voice kindly and concernedly. "Everything has been arranged at the hotel. Yilin, Brother wishes you a peaceful night with Rong Linyi."

"I know." Jiang Yilin hugged Jiang Cheng coquettishly. "Only Brother is the best to me in this world."