Step by Step Into the Abyss

Second Madam Rong's words immediately caused a discussion among the surrounding guests.

She glanced at the darkened faces of Old Master and Rong Linyi, who were on the verge of exploding, and wanted to add fuel to the fire.

Rong Jinghui yelled first. "Shut up!"

His expression was not much better than Rong Linyi's.

Ever since he knew for sure that Su Yanyun was his second sister-in-law, his feelings for her had become very complicated and intense.

There was hatred, and even more disdain and extreme prejudice…

But now, he guessed that the woman inside was probably her and he was about to lose his rationality.

If Rong Linyi didn't open the door, Rong Jinghui might not be able to control himself and would kick the door open to drag out the man who dared to profane her.

At this time, He Yueze was the one who remained calm.