Don't Scare Me Like This In The Future

"What's wrong?"

It was a familiar voice. It was as sweet as spring water and as cold as holy water.

The key in Rong Linyi's hand fell to the ground with a clang.

He seemed to have been suddenly pulled out of a bottomless quagmire. He was released from his drowning state and breathed fresh air again.

He turned around suddenly and his rational eyes reflected his woman's delicate and gentle face.

"Hub…" Su Yanyun met his eyes. Before she could say the word, she was already sucked into that familiar embrace.

The guests around… were in an uproar.

Not many people had seen Rong Linyi's true face.

But through Madam Rong's conversation with him and the Rong family's attitude towards him, everyone more or less guessed his identity.

Seeing him suddenly pull a woman into his embrace, they all widened their mouths in shock.

Of course, the most shocked was none other than Zheng Xin, who was standing beside Su Yanyun.