Oh? Wifey...

She looked worried. "Aren't I still being unreasonable?"

"Don't be unreasonable! You don't know what's good for you!" Zheng Xin wished she could snatch a medical bag immediately and rush out of the fire. "Hurry! Immediately! Call your Young Master Yi and tell him that you've also long fallen for his handsomeness, money, and gentleness. Hurry! Call!"

Su Yanyun was stunned. "This… are you infected with a virus?"

"I'm doing this for your own good." Zheng Xin persuaded earnestly. She was struggling under the powerful icy pressure opposite her.

"I was wondering where you got such a devoted and willing guy who is willing to take care of your children… No, I mean, where did you find such an outstanding man?"

Su Yanyun lowered her head. "Of course I want to keep him too…"

Her voice was low, but it undoubtedly reached behind her.