I'm Very Happy You Waited For Me

She felt a numbing feeling on her back. It slowly rose up her spine and spread to her neck and arm…

If Su Yanyun was a cat, Rong Linyi would definitely be able to see the hair on the cat's back stand up in an electrified manner.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Seeing how angry she was, Rong Linyi suppressed his laughter and whispered in her ear. "Come, repeat what you said just now. It's best if you explain it again?"

His voice rose at the end, giving her a clear sense of danger.

Su Yanyun was tongue-tied. "You, when did you come in?"

"When?" Rong Linyi tilted his head and seemed to think for a while. "Probably when you and your friend were discussing whether you like me or hate me?"

So early!

Su Yanyun felt as if her soul was racing.

"So…" Rong Linyi's arm hooked around her shoulder. His other hand moved down and he grabbed her uneasy hand. "From like to love, all that's missing is…?"

Su Yanyun regretted it very much.