Return My Daddy to My Mistress

The woman didn't seem to hear Madam Rong's words and only hugged her son.

"Let's go, Little Le. Our time is short."

Seeing Madam Rong's dark expression, the bodyguard who had been following her immediately took a step forward and blocked the woman and child.

"Please apologize to my Madam!" The bodyguard stood in front of them like metal towers.

However, the child was not afraid at all when facing this tall and strong bodyguard.

He gestured with his hand like a gun and actually yelled at the bodyguard. "I want to execute you! My father has many troops. I want to execute you, a traitor of this country!"

After he finished speaking, he saw that the bodyguard were still motionless and immediately screamed. "Why didn't you fall? Why didn't you die? I already killed you."

Then, he actually pounced forward and punched and kicked the bodyguard.