All the Good Men Have Been Ruined By You Guys

Qiao Sisi was quick and pushed him away.

"Where did this brat come from!" She was very unhappy when she saw the child's appearance.

This child was clearly not from his own country. Although he was still young, he looked very fierce.

"Xiao Le!" A woman's voice was heard. "How dare you! You actually dared to touch General Ye's son!"

She walked over and said sternly to Qiao Sisi, "Apologize to General Ye's son immediately!"

"What General? I don't know him!" Qiao Sisi held the child's collar and didn't care about the woman at all.

A few men who looked like bodyguards immediately went forward.

The Rong family was not to be outdone.

The bodyguards in the dark surrounded her.

"Ha!" Madam Rong sneered. "Can the general's woman do whatever she wants?"

"Apologize to our Madam!" Hei Zi stood up angrily.