He Only Wanted the Little Girl's Life

"Aunt! Aunt, wait for me!" Rong Liangliang chased after Rong Xueling. "Let's go outside the district quickly to a crowded place! Go and make a call!"

Rong Xueling scolded as she ran. "Now you know to call me Aunt! You knew that he was bad long ago. Why didn't you tell me!"

"How would I… have time…" Rong Liangliang was only panting.

It was all because Little Aunt was stupid!

Shouldn't she be suspicious of someone dressed like this at night?

Rong Liangliang's behavior was abnormal. Little Aunt didn't think about why and only thought that she was crazy.

Most importantly, she even asked the man for his phone.

If Rong Liangliang hadn't turned around and run, Rong Xueling might have already had her throat slit.

"Let's run!" Rong Xueling shouted. "He only has a knife. If he can't catch up to us…"


A bullet hit the flower bed at the side and bounced to Rong Xueling's feet. She screamed in shock. "Ahhh… he still has a gun!"