I'm Sorry, I Don't Want to Die

"Shanshan?" The masked man asked. "You mean Xu Yueshan?"

"It's her?" Rong Xueling was suddenly agitated. "Why did she do this? Why did she kill Liangliang! She clearly told me to bring Liangliang back!"

She was so agitated that she almost stood up.

Rong Liangliang, who had already crawled a distance away, lay on the ground as if she had been struck by lightning and even forgot about the danger.

The man's words from the afternoon echoed in her ears again. Don't trust your aunt…

So, was her kidnapping actually arranged by her aunt and friends?

It was Little Aunt who found the little brother to kidnap her. Then, she pretended that she was also kidnapped and secretly brought her back…

No wonder Little Brother agreed to send her back.

No wonder Little Aunt was still so arrogant after being choked by Little Brother!

So all of this was arranged by Aunt and Xu Yueshan!