351. Naruto

(Grab the rest from WWW.PAT..REON.COM/SONUAMEER. Thank you.)

The Hokage visited Leo and company after he was done with the meeting.

As soon as he sat down he said, "I'm very sorry for what has happened, as compensation both of you can stay here for as long as you want. Moreover this house can also be transferred to your name. If you are ok with it."

Leo looked at the old man and said, "You are not a good leader, but I can't say that you are an imbecile either. Fine, I'll accept it. Also...

He pointed to Kabuto and Nono, "These two people, their life experiences can be said to be tragic. All because a man wanted to manipulate them for his own gains."

"Now, I don't care as to what happened in the past but, I seriously request that none of those children from that orphanage to be hurt or dead. If so...

At the end of his words a cold glow flashed in his eyes.

The Hokage understood the meaning behind his words and nodded.

"Right. Thanks for coming by."

As soon as everything was settled Leo shooed away the man from the house.

He looked at Kabuto and Nono after closing the door, "Everything has been settled, sort out your affairs and start life anew."

Kabuto couldn't believe what was happening. He thought he would have to threaten the village with high level Intel to obtain certain advantages, but now...

Everything seemed so easy.

Shinobu grinned at them and asked, "Did you think everything went far easier that you thought?"

Kabuto and Nono nodded.

Leo smiled at them and spoke, "When you have reached a certain level you'll naturally be respected by everyone."

Kabuto nodded in understanding. He thanked Leo and Shinobu before taking their leave.

Looking at their new home both of them smiled.

After tidying up a bit both of them decided to take a stroll outside.

The streets were busy packed with people. Both of them saw many things unique to this world and wanted to buy them. But unfortunately they had no money.

Leo still had a few rubies he collected from zoro's world. He decided to sell a couple of them to get some pocket change.


A while later both of them walked out of an accessory shop under the flattering smile of it's fat boss.

"From his wretched smile I'm sure he profited a lot from us."

Shinobu said with dissatisfaction.

Leo laughed lightly, "Sure he did. But does it matter? We have enough money to buy anything we want now."

Shinobu nodded and smiled, "True."

They walked around the village and went to a lot of shops.

When it was nearing lunch time Leo was carrying a lot of bags. Only then did he remember something.

Men shopping with a woman = wallet + coolie.

Leo could only laugh bitterly in his heart.

As they were on their way back home both of them noticed a small shop at a corner.

"Ichiraku Ramen."

The sign board was large and attracted their sights.

"I'm hungry, let's eat something."

Shinobu said as she dragged Leo towards the shop.

Once they were there both of them saw a man in his middle ages standing behind the counter wearing a chefs uniform.

"Welcome, what type of ramen do you want?"

Leo thought for a moment and said, "Give me your best."

The man opposite to him grinned. He immediately went to work. Soon two bowls of steaming ramen was placed in front of them.

"Two special extra large pork ramen!"

Leo breathed in the aroma drifting from the bowl in front of him. He couldn't help but swallow a bit when he smelled the dish in front of him.

'Smells good!'

He picked up a pair of chopsticks and was about to dig in.


He heard a sound and looked back to see a child about the age of five or so peeking inside. The sound was naturally from his belly.

When Leo looked at the child's eyes he felt a sense of serenity. In his mind he saw the kid's Soul bright like the sun, pure and untainted.

Such an innocent child... however...

Leo muttered in his heart. From his Spiritual Sense he also saw three other Souls residing within the kid.

One complete and the other two segmented.

What kind of past does this kid have?

As Leo was lost in thought Shinobu who also saw the kid beckoned towards him.

"Come here, let's eat together. Sir, one more bowl of your best please."

The man behind the counter smiled heartily, "Come inside, Naruto. This big brother and big sister wants to treat you to a meal."

It seems the kid's name was Naruto.

Naruto was obviously elated to hear that and smiled happily. His smile seems addicting as everyone laughed with him.

The man quickly whipped up his special ramen and placed it in front of Naruto.

"Eat up!"

Naruto happily ate the food.

Leo and Shinobu smiled when they saw him eating so happily. They too started to eat.

After they were done both of them watched Naruto as he let out a content smile.

"Naruto, where are your parents?"

Leo asked.

When Naruto heard him the smile on his face dimmed.

The man behind the counter sighed lightly. However he didn't interfere with them.

Shinobu seems to have understood his silence and softly stroked his head, "Sorry, Naruto."

Naruto looked blankly at Shinobu. He could hear the kindness in her words, she wasn't looking at him like a monster.

"You don't hate me?"

Shinobu was taken back by his question before letting out a soft smile.


Naruto blinked for a moment before a wide grin appeared on his face.

"Haha, since you don't have anything else to do, come with us. I need some help carrying all this stuff."

Leo laughed and pointed to the bags on the side.

Shinobu looked back at him and asked while smiling, "You think it's a bother to carry them?"

"Of course not! Am I not finding a reason to have him tag along with us?"

Shinobu narrowed her eyes for a second before looking away.

"Sir, the bill please."

The man the counter smiled and passed them the bill.

"My name is Ichiraku Teuchi."

"You cook great food, Teuchi-san."


Teuchi laughed happily and saw them off.

(Grab the rest from WWW.PAT..REON.COM/SONUAMEER. Thank you.)