352. I Can't Leave Him Alone

(Grab the rest from WWW.PAT..REON.COM/SONUAMEER. Thank you.)

Leo thought he could share some of his load with Naruto, but who would have thought Shinobu would deny him outrageously, saying that he was still a child.

Well, she was right. But these bags weighted far less than they look.

He could only silently complain in his heart.

As they moved along Shinobu bought many more items, especially those Naruto glanced over.

By the time they reached home Leo's body was completely overcast by the number of bags he was carrying.

Just as they were about to enter a ninja wearing a mask flickered in front of them.

"Please stop, sir."

Shinobu looked at him and frowned, "What?"

The ninja hesitated for a second before stating, "I'm sorry, but it's not convenient for this child to enter your home."

Shinobu wrinkled her eyebrows, Get out of the way."

When the man spoke Naruto who had bright smile turned dim. He slightly tried to pull his hand away from her.

The ninja was hesitating, he was given explicit instruction not to offend these two in any way.

"This boy is...

Before the man could complete his words Shinobu cut him off, "Get out of the way."

This time her words were slightly chilly. A deep intent fell on the man.

The ninja trembled for a second before giving way.

Shinobu smiled and happily pulled Naruto into the house.

Behind them followed the mountain of bags.


The door shut with a bang. The ninja heaved a sigh of relief and immediately disappeared.

'I need to report this to Hokage-sama.'

Back in the house.

Leo settled down everything he was carrying and let out a bitter laugh.

He looked at Shinobu who was going through the bags of items.

"Here, here, take this one too."

As she took out one item after another she handed it to Naruto. The little kid was laughing happily as he counted the toys in his hand.

'Who was lucky enough to have such an innocent child?'

He thought to himself.

After sitting on the sidelines for a while Shinobu finally stopped what she was doing and went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks.

Leo had nothing else to do and decided to make out a rough sketch for the reforging of his broken sword.

Naruto curiously looked at the drawings on the paper and asked, "Big brother, what are you drawing?"

Leo smiled. He grabbed the air. The next moment his sword flew out from a corner.


Naruto jumped up in shock and let out an excited cry

Leo grinned, "This is my sword. It's broken now, so I'm sketching a rough draft for it's reforging."

Naruto tilted his head for a second in confusion before nodding.

Leo laughed lightly when he saw the kid's sluggish response. He rubbed his head and said.

"It's ok if you don't understand."

Naruto grinned happily.

Leo went back to work and Naruto dragged a chair to his side and watched him without making a fuss.

After a while Shinobu called out to the two of them.

Several dishes were placed on the table. There plates were arranged neatly with chopsticks and the like to the side.

"Let's dig in."

Leo said as he started to eat.

Naruto was a bit small for the table so they had to get a cushion for him.

Both of them placed a lot of food on his plate. For some reason they really liked him. They wanted to protect him and give him everything he missed out on.

Naruto laughed happily as he ate.

When they were done Naruto looked bloated. He burped from time to time.


Leo and Shinobu laughed at this scene.

Leo helped Shinobu clean up. As they finished washing the dishes both of them saw Naruto fast asleep on the couch.

Shinobu gently picked him up and put him on a bed before covering him with a quilt.

She could see the smile that hung on his face. A gentle glow appeared in her eyes when she saw him sleeping so soundly.

After making sure he is comfortable she half closed the door to the room and went out.

Leo was seated on the couch drinking some lime tea.

Knock. Knock.

At the moment someone knocked on the door.

Leo didn't look surprised and went to open it.

The Hokage was standing outside with a couple of his guards.

"Come in."

Leo led him inside.

Hiruzen walked in and sat opposite to Leo. Shinobu also joined them.

"I'm sure you must know the reason for this late visit."

Hiruzen spoke calmly.

Leo nodded, "It must be for Naruto."

Hiruzen nodded, "Naruto is very important to the village and can't be allowed to come in contact with strangers."

Leo curled his lips into a smile, "Is it because of that entity sealed within him?"

His question startled Hiruzen. A sharp glow flashed in his eyes as he asked.

"How do you know that?"

The tone in his words started to change.

Leo wasn't bothered by his change and said causally, "It doesn't matter how, all I want to say at this moment is that it's not possible for me to stay away from the kid. At least not anymore."

Hiruzen squinted his eyes, "Do you really believe I'll concede to your every whims?"

Leo shook his head with a smile, "Of course not. But I believe you won't antagonize me either, at least not when I'm at the center of your village."

Hearing his answer Hiruzen looked at him for a long time and asked.

"Why are you so interested in Naruto? Are you...

Before he could complete his words Leo cut him off, "I don't care for whatever that resides within him, I just don't want to leave such a kid alone."

Hiruzen was startled by his reply. He went silent for a while before letting out a sigh.

"It's impossible for me to believe someone I only knew for a day but, I don't have a choice, do I?"

(Grab the rest from WWW.PAT..REON.COM/SONUAMEER. Thank you.)