The Woman Who Came Knocking On The Door

"You don't want to play anymore but I am in high spirits now." The man had a devilish smile on his face and did not release his grip on Yang Yuxi. "This bastard is addicted," Yang Yuxi chided secretly in her heart. She really wanted to bite this bastard to death. However, she knew that it was not the time to be rash. Hence, she forcefully endured her disgust and said softly, "Can you let go of me first?"

"Your body is really very strong." After both her hands were freed, Yang Yuxi did not hurry to take action. She drew circles on the chest of the man with one hand. "You're really a little demoness." After being provoked by Yang Yuxi in this way, the desire in the man's heart grew stronger. There were seemingly flames in his eyes. He pried open her legs with one hand and bore down on her. He was about to pile drive into her.

At this moment, Yang Yuxi's eyes were sharp and shining brightly. She raised her knee and aimed it towards his balls with all her might. Obviously, the man had not expected such a change. Facing Yang Yuxi's oncoming blow, he felt his groin turned cold and all the hairs on his body stood up instantly. The fumes of desire in his body retreated and his expression turned sinister and gloomy. Although he was caught off guard, this man was very swift and agile. Although he was dazed and smitten, his body's natural reflexes were still present. In that anxious moment, he hollered and lifted his waist at the same time, and tilted his body sideways. Simultaneously, his right hand grabbed Yang Yuxi's wrist at lighting speed and attempted to throw her off the bed.


Yang Yuxi's body was flung. She fell to the side of the bed and then rolled onto the floor. Although there was a thick layer of carpet on the floor, the throw was very strong and Yang Yuxi felt sore and in pain. The man was in an equally embarrassing state. He was gasping. Although he had dodged her attack in time and avoided the direct blow, she had managed to knee him in the thigh.


The man's gaze was cold and sinister. He shot a dagger-like stare at Yang Yuxi. This damn woman. She had completely angered him. She actually dared to play such a tactic on him. If he had not been agile, he could have become sterile. At the thought of the danger earlier, he could still feel the fear lingering in his heart and his balls were a little cold.

Yang Yuxi looked at the man. Under such circumstances, she had not expected him to avoid her knee strike. Using both her hands and legs, she fled from the bedroom. There was only one thought in her mind - Flee. Flee as far as possible. Otherwise, she could not imagine what would be waiting for her if she were to be caught by the man.

"You still dare to run away?" The man got up and chased her with large strides.

Yang Yuxi was running away frantically. In a hurry, she actually chose the wrong direction. At the sight of the man chasing her, she pushed open a partially hidden room and dashed in. After glancing around her, she realized that this was a study room. Before she could size it up, the man behind her had already caught up with her.

"Leave, don't come near me." Yang Yuxi was shocked. She picked up a flower vase, raised it high and aimed at the man. As long as he approached her, she would throw it at him immediately.

"This is…" Out of the corner of her eye, Yang Yuxi was slightly stunned. She discovered that this vase looked a little familiar. It was actually the Imperial Ming blue-and-white amphora that was auctioned in the Antiques Roadshow on TV a few days ago. It was worth 880,0000 yuan.

"Don't come near me. This vase is a white-and-blue amphora and is worth millions. If you dare to come near me, I will smash it immediately," Yang Yuxi threatened. At the sight of the man sneering and closing in, she moved backward frantically. At the thought that the man was swift and agile, he might be able to catch the vase even if she were to throw it. She then grabbed another ashtray and aimed it at the amphora, saying. "I will really smash it. Don't force me to."