The Extremely Precious and Costly Item

Yang Yuxi thought that the man would definitely care very much about something that cost over millions of yuan. However, to her disappointment, the man neither paused his steps nor frowned the slightest bit. He did not seem threatened at all.

"Could this vase be a fake one?" Yang Yuxi thought to herself. However, she did not know that this was indeed the authentic Ming Imperial blue-and-white amphora. Its value in fact exceeded her assessment. She was further unaware that although this amphora was valuable, the ashtray in her hands was also of comparable worth. The ashtray was a rare collection designed by a local famous potter, Ye Tongsheng. Although it was not very pricey now, its value would definitely rise in the future and might even exceed that of the amphora. Moreover, in terms of value, be it the amphora or the ashtray, they could not be compared to the oil painting that she had torn downstairs earlier.

"Don't come near me…" Yang Yuxi said frantically. "Even if you were to tear down the entire study room today, I will 'devour' you. I don't care about one amphora," he replied.

"Please, let me go. You're so good looking and rich. You can get any kind of woman you want. Why do you have to force yourself on a lady like me!" Yang Yuxi retreated. In her panic, she threw the amphora, shattering it into pieces. Immediately afterward, she threw the ashtray. All in all, she threw about five to six items but she still could not stop the man's advancing steps.

At the sight of the man approaching, Yang Yuxi conveniently picked up a drawing board. She raised it and wanted to threw it at the man. Suddenly, the indifferent expression on the man changed drastically. He said fiercely, "Put down that painting."

"I order you to put down that painting. Otherwise, I assure you that you will die a terrible death," the man said anxiously. "What is happening?" Yang Yuxi was stunned. At that moment, she realized that this man cared very much about this painting.

She looked over curiously. She wanted to see what was so special about this painting and why it was so important to the man. However, at a glance, Yang Yuxi was stunned. This was not a famous painting but a very ordinary sketch. Additionally, it was incomplete. There were only a woman's long tresses and the outline of her profile without any facial features. Seemingly, they had not been drawn yet.

"This is just an incomplete sketch. Don't tell me it's more precious than the amphora?" Yang Yuxi was puzzled but obviously this was not the right time to explore. It was great that the man cared very much about this painting. She had the chance to bargain then.

"I can let go of this drawing but you have to agree to let me go." Yang Yuxi stated her terms. "You are not qualified to negotiate the terms with me," the man said coldly.

"I think that I am. This drawing is so ugly. It won't be a pity if I destroy it." Yang Yuxi looked as if she was about to destroy the drawing and the man's expression immediately changed. He said coldly, "Do you know what you are doing?? You're playing with fire… With fire. No one has ever dared to bargain with me."

"Anyway, I can't escape. To die together with this drawing doesn't seem like a bad idea too," Yang Yuxi said. At the sight of the man's expression, she knew that he cared very much about this drawing. She thus felt reassured.

"How dare you… Alright, you win. Put down this drawing and I will let you go," the man said, suppressing his rage.

"Do you take me for an idiot?" Yang Yuxi rolled her eyes and asked. This drawing was her protection amulet. Before she could leave this place and assure her own safety, how could she possibly put down this drawing?