Not Given Any Food To Eat

Thirty minutes later, Ye Erruo walked out with a towel drying her hair while the rest were still showering.

"Ruoruo, do you have some shampoo left? Can you lend me a little?" Yao Tiao asked.

Ye Erruo was stunned into silence.

They had been given a bottle of shampoo. She had used it all? It seemed like it was supposed to last them a month.

"You've finished yours?"

"Yeah, I used it all before the eighth round of washing my hair. This is so pathetic. The shampoo is not even good, yet they gave us such a small amount?"

Ye Erruo's face darkened when she heard that. She had washed her head eight times and the shampoo was all gone? How much did she use for one wash?

Helpless, Ye Erruo could only bring her shampoo.

"Eh? Ruoruo, are you done bathing so quickly?"

"It seems like this shampoo is supposed to last us for a month. You should save on it and take it easy."

"One month?!" Yao Tiao yelled.