Mo Jiangye Is Afraid of Dogs

"Young Madam!"

"Young Madam!"

"Ruoruo!" Mo Jiangye, who was sitting not far from her, jumped up in great alarm. He grabbed the cup on his desk and sent it flying at the unidentified object.

Unfortunately, that thing was too agile and quick for him. The cup ended up smashing against the wall instead.

By the time Ye Erruo regained her composure, the creature that looked like a red furry ball had already jumped onto her lap.

It had a round head and an equally round tail. It looked like a furry red toy poodle.

Its doe-like eyes glittered and were big and bright. It was so excited about seeing her that it let out yelps of joy in her arms.

Mo Jiangye's big palm reached and grabbed hold of the animal to hurl it far away.

"Mo Jiangye!" Unconsciously, she pulled his arm back.

The little fellow wriggled in pain as it smacked on the floor.