
"Bo Yu, I'm asking you a question!"

His orbs were pensive as he led her to a deserted corner. "Ye Erruo, it's not that Young Master is afraid of dogs but rather that he can't touch dogs, not even a strand of their hair. I hope you'll take note of this in the future!"

She could not believe her ears. He can't touch dogs?

"Why? Is it due to illness?"

"No, Young Master has been unable to touch dogs or any part of them ever since he was young. Dog meat or dog fur is something he cannot come in contact with." His eyes spoke more than his words. He knew that even if he did not reveal this to her, his master would do so when he woke up.

She answered with a frown, "I understand."

No wonder she'd never had dog meat in this place…

"His fever will last for at least three days. The longest it'll drag on is half a month before he gets well." His assistant seemed to be well-acquainted with this scenario.