Sir, Young Master Is Looking For You!

He solemnly answered, "Someone like me or Jinyan, of course!"


Ye Erruo's expression completely darkened when she heard that answer, and she could not help wishing to smash the lunch box she had in her hand right into this shameless fellow's face.

Bo Jinyan hastily cut in to play mediator. "Don't mind him. This friend of mine loves to crack jokes."

The woman shot the other man a loathful gaze in return. I can pick whatever man I want. It's none of his freaking business. No one but me can pinpoint the faults of my man.

"Darn it!" Yu Lingfeng's mood was down in the pits as he sent his fist smashing into the car door to vent his anger.

"Lunatic!" she commented sarcastically.

Bo Jinyan's friend is being really hateful! He's behaving like a wacko who has just escaped from an asylum.

Things instantly became awkward in the car.

Growl… Her stomach suddenly made a sound.