We Have Found Out Where Young Madam Is

"Young Master, Young Madam has j-just fallen asleep." He placed a lot of emphasis on the word 'just'.

Mo Jiangye repeated himself eerily. "Wake her up."

She's asleep again? She's been asleep since last night? She's not even answering my calls or replying to my text messages. Has she gone missing again during the short period of my departure?

The subordinate gripped the phone tightly in his sweaty palm as he replied, "Yes, sir. Please hold on for a second."

While holding the phone, Bo Yu pretended to look for Ye Erruo, walking at a snail's pace as he made his way to her bedroom. When he was upstairs several minutes later, he took in a deep breath before he knocked on the bedroom door.

"Just open the d*mn door with the key!" demanded his boss.

His face was overcast with helplessness, but he could only obey the order and act accordingly.