I Love You With All My Life

"Do you think a person can suddenly become devoted to you overnight? Stop dreaming, Mo Jiangye." Lin Jingxuan felt more than happy to continue provoking the other man when he sensed that he was beginning to waver.

"That's a load of bull!"


Ye Erruo coldly kicked open the unlocked door and entered the cell with a heat pad in her arms.

Wang Yiyang, who was standing outside, hurriedly rushed forward to open the door wide.

She tossed the heat pad to him. "Leave."

"Yes, sis-in-law!"

She slowly made her way forward and spat out in disgust, "Lin Jingxuan, repeat what you just told Mo Jiangye if you have the guts."

Lin Jingxuan immediately adopted an aggrieved look. "Xiao Ruo, you came? He locked me up here and injected me with something. He's bent on killing me! Let's just drop the pretense and tell him the truth. Otherwise, I'll die for real in this place."