I Do Not Have Enough Lobsters to Eat

"Who are you calling a mistress?" Qing Ning could no longer contain her rage.

"Whoever intends to become a homewrecker and snatch my man for herself will be considered a mistress. I wasn't referring to you, Ms. Qing Ning," said Ye Erruo ever so innocently.


The woman stood up, stomping her feet with her hands trembling in fury before all of a sudden turning around and leaving their table.

She let out a smug snort as she picked up her drink and took a sip. And I thought she was so capable.

Behind her was a gleeful Mo Jiangye, whose eyes were smiling crescents. His arms were tightly wrapped around his woman's waist.

"You're holding me too tightly. Loosen your hold." Ye Erruo looked down and tried to pry his hands away.

Alas, not only did he not loosen his hold on her, but he hugged her even tighter than before. "Okay, repeat what you said earlier."

"What I said earlier?"