
"Nobody can separate us." He reiterated his words out loud for emphasis this time.

"Yes, no one can force us apart."

"Let's go. The match is about to start."

Bo Yu, who was trailing behind Mo Jiangye, carried the large sack of little bunnies into the grand hall.

The match had just started. Rowdy sounds of excited applause could be heard inside the venue.

"Boss!" Wang Yiyang called out to his Chief agitatedly. "It's that monkey we fought with earlier."

Mo Jiangye looked across the arena with furrowed brows. True enough, it was the opponent they had met earlier that day.

"What a small world. I didn't expect that we would meet him so soon! I'm gonna knock this b*stard out cold today." Xu Xu, who had arrived earlier, swore through gritted teeth.

Ye Erruo was stunned to see the creep on the stage. "It's really him."