A Cheeky Wink

"Let me go up!" Wang Yiyang stood up hastily.

"What happened to this chap? Is this another misstep?" Zheng Yi blinked in disbelief.

"Has Xu Xu regressed so rapidly? Since when has he stopped practicing?"

"This man is really superb. He has knocked out so many boxers and wrestlers… all of them with a single lethal blow!"

"The newest challenger was able to exchange a few blows with him but was eventually knocked out by the pro as well."

"That's right, what a pity!" The people around the ring were discussing this fervently.

PONG! Xu Xu stood up again, only to be sent crashing to the ground soon.

Ye Erruo and the others could no longer sit still. The protagonist was particularly agitated. She had seen Xu Xu fight in the past and knew the young chap would not be able to defeat the creep.

Mo Jiangye gazed ominously at the action on the stage and scooped the lady beside him into his arms. "Sit here and don't move!"