The Two Of You Are Not Married Yet, Which Is Good News!

After having a day of fun, Ye Erruo went to bed early with her man.

"Boss Tang, Young Master Mo will be leaving tomorrow." One of his workers reported to his boss shortly thereafter.

The man stood and looked at the girl in front of him, not knowing what to do with her.

"Boss, this is the activity log of Young Master Mo. It records what he did today."

After thinking it through for the next hour, Boss Tang finally let out a sigh. He decided he wasn't going to touch Ye Erruo after all.

Based on the log, he could see how much Young Master Mo doted on his woman. Besides, the young man would be leaving tomorrow, which caught him unprepared. If he were to do anything rash tonight, he might end up biting off more than he could chew.

"Alright then. Bring this girl and the other three to Orffa. Tell him that, other than Young Master Mo and his woman, I can get him anyone he wants."

"Understood, boss."