He Fancies Me

"What is it? Are you happy to know that another woman has touched your man? Are you going to stop me from punishing her?"

"But why didn't I see it?"


"Anyway, this is too hot." As she spoke, she struggled to remove the coat.

Her man absolutely refused to let her go. "We are still far away from our room. You better keep the coat on."

"But look at me, I'm perspiring!" She wiped off the copious droplets on her forehead.

"Perspiring is good!"

"It's really hot!"

"Just bear with it."


"Bear with it a little longer!" He did not give her a chance to open her mouth.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Lin Ruo struggled and screamed at the top of her voice.

"Young Master Mo has ordered us not to let you go until your head is fully submerged in the water."

"That's right!"