Such Hallucinations Made Her Frantic

"Hungry? Come down and eat."

"Carry me."

The corners of Mo Jiangye's lips curled into a smile as he stepped forward and lifted her before walking down the stairs.

Ye Erruo ate hurriedly at the table, as she was really hungry.

"No one is fighting over the food with you," Mo Jiangye said disdainfully as he peeled the prawns for her.

There was plenty of seafood on the dining table that day, causing Ye Erruo's eyes to shine and her appetite to get better.

"Young Master, you have a package." The maid walked in with a huge box.

Mo Jiangye raised a brow. Her clothes were ready?

"Open it."

"Yes." The maid speedily opened the package.

As soon as all the wrapping of the package was removed, a bizarre fragrance filled the entire dining hall. The smell was not concentrated and it was comforting.

Right afterward, a huge bouquet of fresh red flowers emerged from the package.
