
Suddenly, the doctor interrupted Mo Jiangye's phone call with Bo Yu. "Young Master, there is nothing wrong with Young Madam whatsoever. She is very healthy. She might be having hallucinations due to stress, so she should be fine after getting lots of rest."

Mo Jiangye ended the call and walked over. "Are you sure there is no problem at all?"

"I am very sure, Young Master." The doctor wiped away the cold sweat forming on his forehead.

He had been scolded terribly by the Young Master the moment he had come, every threat from him making his legs go weak from fear. He had thought that the Young Madam had fallen horribly ill.

"Has Young Madam been feeling exhausted lately?"

Ye Erruo furrowed her eyebrows and thought about it. Yes!

He had been bullying her daily!

"Exhausted? She doesn't need to work or do any physical labor. Where would the exhaustion have come from?" Mo Jiangye roared angrily.