I Am Someone You Could Never Get In Your Lifetime

"Oh," Bo Jinyan replied expressionlessly.

She would not marry him? He was the one who didn't want to propose to her.

"I know that you want to marry me, but you are not my type."


"I am someone you could never get in your lifetime."

Bo Jinyan was speechless.

Just like Yu Lingfeng had said, she was truly a retard!

It was no wonder he was so violent with her…

Ye Erruo was gloomy as she stepped out of the palace.

"What's wrong, Ruoruo?"

"Aren't I Brother Jinyan's fiancee? Why did he tell everyone that I am his godsister?"

"That was just a lie he told the outsiders. Don't worry, you are his fiancee," Yu Lingfeng explained.

"Why do we have to lie to outsiders?"

"Some things are hard to explain. Do not overthink things, Xiao Ruo."