Ye Erruo Sees Mo Jiangye Again

With just one glance, he spotted her in the crowd.

"Damn! Can't you walk properly?"

"Ah! Hey, why is this person so rude?"

"Psst… That hurts so much!"

Every person who was blocking Mo Jiangye's line of sight was pushed harshly away by him.

His frantic gaze remained fixed on the woman not far away as he moved as fast as the wind. He was afraid that she would disappear in a moment.

The lively, bustling noise was blocked out of Mo Jiangye's mind. He only had eyes for the woman standing not far away.

Her dress was pretty. She was as beautiful as a princess…

"Give me ten more rings," Ye Erruo said indignantly.

The stall owner gave her ten more rings.

At that moment, Mo Jiangye was only a few meters away from her. He stood where he was, afraid to approach her. The struggle, hesitance, pain, and surprise were evident in his eyes.

That silly *sshole had said that she didn't remember him now.