Don't Leave

He had really missed her. The moment he touched her, he could not help but want to pull her tightly into his embrace.

Every cell in his body was hooting at him to take her away, hide her, and force her to stay by his side regardless of whether she still remembered him.

However, Yu Lingfeng's words had delivered a blow to his heart.

He was right. He had indeed forced his way into her world in the past and made her his. He had torn her and Lin Jingxuan apart and forced her to remember him. He had caused her a lot of pain…

His love for her was extreme and apocalyptic. This had been painful for her.

He could not convince himself to let her go. He just couldn't let her go. Ye Erruo could only belong to him in this lifetime.

Besides, before she had lost her memory, she really had only had him in her heart.

Now that Bo Jinyan had hypnotized her and erased her memories, perhaps this was a chance for him to make it up to her.