Be My Girlfriend And I'll Tell You

"Plus, whatever he can give you, I can give you too. I can give you what he can't give you as well."

Speaking of, had that lowly, ugly man touched her in any way during the days she had been with him?

He released her and turned her around abruptly. "Apart from me, who has touched you before?" he asked with eyes filled with fury.

"Who else would dare to apart from you?" Ye Erruo shouted angrily.

His gaze softened suddenly as he looked at her affectionately. "Only your man can touch you. No one else is allowed to. Remember that, okay?"

"Who do you think you are? Let me go."

"I am yours." Mo Jiangye pecked her lightly again.

Ye Erruo's brain short-circuited once again. She could not resist his seduction, and worst of all, she was not disgusted by him…

"Only I can touch your entire body. No other man is allowed to do that. Your own hands cannot touch it either," he said overbearingly.