Clearing Her Name (19)

The long and intense court trial ended after two hours.

Xu Mengjie analyzed the scuffle that took place between Luo Anning and Ou Lixue before the latter fell off the roof, and stated her logical viewpoints with perfect jargon. She then deduced that Ou Lixue was emotionally unstable.

She also defended that Luo Anning had merely retracted her hands subconsciously and hence, it could not be considered manslaughter.

Ou Lixue had been hypnotized at the start, and thus had her mind controlled by Wang Chan. At last, she ended up dying to release the tension within her.

Wang Chan, Luo Xinya and Li Yang were also charged in court.

Since there was concrete evidence to prove Wang Chan and Li Yang guilty, they could not deny it at all. Their lawyers had no choice, but to play the sympathy card and help them fight for a lighter sentence.