Clearing Her Name (20)

Lu Momo let go of her while Mo Qiange stepped forth to hug her gently. "Anning, congratulations on having your name cleared."

Luo Anning burst into laughter and said, "Yeah, I've finally cleared my name. It's wonderful! I can finally go out now!"

"You're so incompetent," Rong Yan said proudly in disdain.

Luo Anning let go of Mo Qiange and ignored everyone else around her. She rushed forward to hug Rong Yan and kissed him on his cheek happily. "Yeah, that's true, but I'm still very grateful towards you, Rong Yan."

Rong Yan's handsome face looked a little awkward for a moment. He cleared his throat and held her slender waist in his arms tyrannically. "I don't accept verbal gratitude."

Luo Anning gazed at him and asked, "What kind of gratitude do you want then?"

He was waiting to hear that!

Rong Yan's sexy lips curled into a smile and he leaned closer towards her to suck on her earlobes. "I want you to pay for it with your body."