Since No One Dotes On You, I Will Dote On You (2)

Luo Anning immediately grabbed his face and smiled warmly. "Rong Yan, I might just take your words for real."

She admitted that at this point, his words had really tempted her.

Since no one dotes on you, I'll dote on you.

Ever since she was a child, she yearned for parental love. Ever since her parents passed away, she once yearned for her uncle's and aunt's love.

However, she was wrong. All her uncle and aunt wanted was the billion-yuan assets that her parents had left behind for her.

Once they got her assets, they racked their brains to think of a way to send her abroad and left her to fend for herself.

Rong Yan pressed a hand on the back of her head and planted a kiss on her soft and dewy lips. "Take it that I'm being serious. I must dote on my own wife."

Luo Anning's beautiful eyes were full of joy and she asked, "Do you really fancy me?"