Since No One Dotes On You, I Will Dote On You (3)

After settling on a location, Luo Anning ended the call and put on a long dress that was rather conservative. She especially got a few bodyguards to go along with her, and then headed to the restaurant.

Along the way, Luo Anning would look out of the window to admire the scenery.

The red traffic lights cast on her face which was cold and solemn.

This time, she had to ensure that Laurent is left with no chance for a comeback in England!

"Young Madam, we've arrived at the cafe."

The bodyguard had already pulled over just as she was getting distracted. She alighted from the car and smiled at Hebrew who was seated by the window.

"You guys may wait outside. If I need you, go in immediately." Knowing that Hebrew was lecherous and lewd, she decided to bring her bodyguards along for safety precautions.

The bodyguards acknowledged, "Got it, Young Madam."