Chapter 725 was empty

When the waiter asked Catherine what she wanted to order, Catherine raised her head and before she could say anything.., xiao Wei beat her to it. “Let’s have two sets of B Meal, a bottle of’82 Lafite, and two cheesecake for dessert. Is that okay?”

After saying that, he turned his questioning gaze to Catherine.

Catherine’s gaze froze. She had been observing him closely, but she did not miss the concern in Xiao Wei’s eyes. She knew that he was doing this for her own good, to avoid the awkwardness of not being able to speak.

She nodded. Xiao Wei immediately closed the menu and handed it to the waiter. “Just the ones just now will do. Thank you.”

After the waiter left, Xiao Wei asked her in a somewhat reserved manner, “Catherine, where did you go during that period of time? I heard from my colleagues at the Bureau that you had an accident. Other than your throat, you didn’t hurt anything, right?”