Chapter 726 I won’t go back with you

Twenty minutes later, the screeching sound of brakes rang out. Koenigsegg stopped in front of the Western restaurant.

Christine got out of the car with a bang. She narrowed her long and narrow eyes and saw the two people chatting happily by the window.

Why was that scene so eye-piercing?

“Oh right, when my colleagues found out that you were back, they were very happy for you. They said that they would hold a welcoming party for you. Do you want to join?”Xiao Wei seemed to have thought of something. He put down his knife and fork and asked her with a smile.

Catherine thought for a moment, then nodded and said slowly, “Okay, thank the colleagues for me first. I will join.”

“No Problem! If they knew that you agreed, they would probably be so excited that they would immediately start preparing.”

“Isn’t it too exaggerated?”Catherine was amused by him.