Chapter 727 this feeling was terrible

At least not now!

The sneer on Kristen’s lips could no longer be contained. With a cold face, she glared at her and said through gritted teeth, “Do you know what you’re saying? Do you need me to remind you of your identity? !”

Damn it! Enough!

The difference between before and after a second illness was so big. If he had known this day would come, he would have risked his life to protect her back then so that she would not be captured by the Americans!

“I know,”she said quietly.

“You dare to disobey me?”Christine really wanted to pry open her brain to see if it was full of paste!

Since she knew that he was her superior, how dare she disobey him in front of outsiders? !

In private, no matter how much she disobeyed him, he could treat it as her throwing a tantrum, or he could let her do whatever she wanted.

However, in front of outsiders, especially in front of Xiao Wei who harbored ill intentions towards her, disobeying him, where would his face go?