Chapter 1218 if this is fate, I accept it [19]

“AH --”the ring of bombs screamed and fell to the ground with weak legs.

The Man took out a fruit knife from his waist and added up the waiters on the ground. The tip of the knife was pressed against her neck. He looked around fiercely and shouted, “Quickly call your deputy manager Fang Qiong over, or I’ll kill her!”

The customers who were eating turned pale with fright. One by one, they got up and wanted to escape. The man grabbed the waitress’neck with one hand and waved the fruit knife in the other. “F * ck, don’t move. Get Down!”

With that, he pulled at his clothes and revealed the explosives tied to his body.

The customers squatted down one after another. Some of the elderly and children could not stand the shock and cried out. The restaurant was suddenly in a mess, and the sounds of crying rose and fell.

Xiao Bai pressed Rong Chong Down and squatted down, motioning for her to not make a sound.