Chapter 1219 if this is fate, I accept [20]

The situation on the fifth floor was still unclear, and the fire was still spreading. It would be more dangerous if they stayed for one more minute.

After sending the two of them to a safe place downstairs, the medical staff quickly came over to check on their injuries. The major general cupped Rong Chong ‘Er’s face and said, “Follow the Doctor back to the hospital and have a good check-up. I’ll come over to see you after my mission is over.”

Rong Chong ‘er nodded.

The major general then shifted his gaze to Xiao Bai’s face and frowned slightly. “You too. Go to the hospital. Don’t run around blindly.”

“I understand.”Xiao Bai was clearly frightened as well. He did not expect that he would be caught up in the explosion after coming out for afternoon tea.

Now that he saw the major general, she obediently agreed to whatever he said and did not dare to go against him at all.