the power of the little lover

when everyone saw huo shen come in with his female companion, they all stood up to welcome him. it was obvious at a glance whether the middle seat was empty or not.

Ye Qingqing knew that Huo Shen was going to bring people over, so she deliberately took this seat.

However, no matter how much she calculated, she never expected that the person who would appear would be an Xiaowan.

she was just an insignificant lover, but she went to his office to make a scene. this kind of woman must be tired of living. huo shen was definitely going to teach her a good lesson and throw her away. how could she be a coward?

without waiting for ye qingqing to speak, an xiaowan looked at lu yange.

this place was his territory today. how could he not know that huo shen was coming with people?

she squinted her eyes slightly, her face full of confusion. " young master lu, is the seat in the middle young master huo's seat? "