Have you played enough?

however, an xiaowan's red lips curved up and she continued to talk about the prelude, as if she did not hear it.

Today, this place was Lu yange's territory. It was also Lu yange's farewell party and birthday party. He did not care about ye Qingqing and did not assign a good seat. Wasn't he just letting her do whatever she wanted and wanted to make her little lover suffer?

Heh, did he really think that she, an Xiaowan, was a vegetarian?

She looked around and pointed at a position with Huo Shen. She smiled and said,""mr. huo, let's sit here. although it's a little corner, i don't need to see annoying people ~"

with huo shen's status, even if today was lu yange's home field ... but didn't she still have to prepare the main seat for huo shen?

once their positions were in a mess, their identities would be in a mess.

huo shen could request to take any seat, but he could not be forced to take it.