young master huo, don't be too high-profile

The banquet was about to begin.

wen biyu saw that young master huo was still not in the hall and was a little disappointed.

Today was ye Jingyan's birthday banquet, so he was naturally the main character.

standing beside an xiaowan, wen biyu began to think about other things.

Although the ye family's Ye Jingyan wasn't a direct descendant, he didn't lose out to the young masters of ordinary aristocratic families. He was usually low-key, and the banquet was never so Grand, so many people guessed that there was another meaning to this birthday banquet.

To suddenly invite all the big and small families in the circle of rich and influential people, other than a major business matter, it must be because ye Jingyan was interested in choosing a wife.

wen biyu looked at the man who was standing on high ground from afar, and her eyes moved slightly.

If ye Jingyan took a fancy to her, ran ran,

she couldn't help but take two steps forward.